A facilities engineer for Shell is featured in the video below in order to inform us of how swell it is to work for Shell. You know, if you can just block out that whole “destroying the world” thing. Anything for a little money, eh?
Truthfully, this video really stands out to me for how it demonstrates what gets people into this industry — It’s a job. Perhaps even a high-paying job. In an office. For a big company.
40 hours a week helping to bring down human civilization and countless species. What’s not to love?
However, I’ll come back to the crux of the matter: as much as “evil” oil suppliers are to blame, demanders are many more times to blame. Oil companies and simple people like the lady in this video are supplying a demand. If we pull out the demand, there will be no such jobs. Instead, there will be jobs in much cleaner bike, electric car, and public transit industries.
If you are opposed to destroying society and/or countless species, stop driving gasmobiles and go solar!
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