The hosts of podcast This Week In Energy recently invited me to join them for their 128th episode. It was a super-interesting conversation, imho. If you want to have a listen, click the podcast player above or head over to This Week In Energy to listen.
Things we talked about included:
- E-world Energy & Water 2014 (which was apparently a bit schizophrenic)
- Polish energy policy (including the reported “Energiewende” of Poland)
- Natural gas leakage & natural gas as a bridge fuel
- The most recent Chevy Volt commercial, gas anxiety, and EV messaging
- EV awareness (or lack thereof)
- Charging an EV from the 5th floor with an extension chord
- European and global EV sales
- CleanTechnica, Solar Love, EV Obsession, Planetsave, Bikocity
- Local content requirements and subsidies
- Feed-in tariff policies in Europe
- Carbon capture & storage (or so it’s called)
- NRDC working with EEI on moving the grid forward in the face of rapid renewable energy growth
- Duke Energy’s recent coal ash spill in the North Carolina Dan River
- Shipping oil by rail & the Keystone XL
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