Monday 17 February 2014

AAFA welcomes call to renew Trade Promotion Authority

Following President Barack Obama’s annual State of the Union address, the U.S. apparel and footwear industry welcomed the call to renew Trade Promotion Authority, legislation would foster greater consultation and transparency between Congress and the Administration in setting trade priorities and authorize the president to negotiate trade agreements that Congress can then approve or reject, but not amend. “As an industry on the frontlines of globalization, the U.S. apparel and footwear industry welcomes President Obama’s effort to build broad bipartisan support for renewing Trade Promotion Authority as described in  State of the Union address. "With four million U.S. workers who rely on trade for their jobs, renewing TPA is an important step toward building a clear and credible 21st century U.S. trade policy”, said, Philip Williamson, President, CEO, and Chairman - Williamson-Dickie Manufacturing Company and AAFA Board of Directors Chairman “Reducing barriers to trade creates jobs in the United States and promotes economic development around the world.  The U.S. apparel and footwear industry applauds President Obama’s commitment to reducing trade and regulatory burdens in order to generate growth, create jobs, and drive American competitiveness”, said, Rick Helfenbein, President - TellaS Ltd. Luen Thai USA and AAFA Vice Chairman. Source :


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